Game Designer/System Architect


I am a Game Designer focused on creating, iterating, and improving designs and mechanics in a way that engages the player to create an enjoyable experience.


I solve problems through design



      After graduating High School in 2011, I served in the United States Marine Corps, working on both hardware and software repair for multi-million dollar equipment. I was forward deployed to Afghanistan maintaining this equipment in an environment where a couple of seconds of downtime could lead to lost lives. I learned both Software and Hardware troubleshooting which has strengthened the logic base I use when programming.

      After serving five years, I was Honorably Discharged and began my education at Full Sail University, pursuing my passion with a Bachelor in Game Design. Throughout my schooling we had numerous group projects that required rapid problem solving, collaboration, and technical ability in order to reach a successful ending, from Game Design Document creation to full creation of a standalone game, I lead the charge and managed each and every team I was a part of.

      Now, I work at Bohemia Interactive Simulations as a Sales Engineer. I fulfill a variety of roles depending on the situation from technical work to the management of goals and expectations. I also provide high-quality demos of our various software suites to customers in person, through video, and remotely.



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